is the leading transcription service for businesses and individuals who need accurate, high-quality, triple-checked typing services.

unlike our competitors, we don’t offshore our work, we strive to pay our typists a living wage,

and we review your documents word for word against their source material.

and unlike standard transcription providers who upload your files to an online workpool for numerous people to access, we manually assign our files to the best typists for the job.

if you’ve received inaccurate or untimely work from another transcription service,

we’re here to help.


if you haven’t, we’re still here to show you the difference.


if this is your first time hiring a transcription service,

this is a great time for us all to put our best foot forward.

no matter what the case,

we’d love the chance to support you with our forward-thinking, relationship-building customer service.

Our team manages a full portfolio of language services, including:

transcription services

closed captioning services

translation services

subtitling services

live note-taking services

editing and proofreading services

professional resume-writing services

copywriting services